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KEC Remote Eye

Master Spas

Availability: In stock

Quick Overview

KEC Remote Eye. Control your spa’s theater system from the comfort of your hot tub. The KEC Remote Eye turns your clicks on your remote into executable commands that allow you to switch the channels on your television or radio.

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SKU: X551329
Availability: In stock

Please note: All electronics sales are final.

Quick Overview

KEC Remote Eye. Control your spa’s theater system from the comfort of your hot tub. The KEC Remote Eye turns your clicks on your remote into executable commands that allow you to switch the channels on your television or radio.

Enjoy your spa’s theater system is an absolute must and enjoying it means the right parts should be installed.

KEC Remote Eye is top of the line when it comes to remote eyes for your spa theater system.

The KEC Remote Eye turns your clicks on your remote into executable commands that allow you to switch the channels on your television or radio.

Master Spa Parts’ customer service representatives are here to answer your questions, provide recommendations, and help ensure you order the right part. Have a question? Reach out to us, today!